There is now a 50 dip limit per retriever in this race. Once a cacher dips a racer in more than 50 caches all kms and points will not count. The racer will begin acumulating points again once it has been placed in a cache and a new retriever brings it on it's journey. Please see therules for more
1 pt per km
5 pt per cache
25 pt per unique discoverer
25 pt per unique retreiver
50 pt per picture with TB clearly in it
1,000 pts for picture of TB with log book of challenge cache GCMPMF in Japan
10,000 pts for arriving at challenge cache GCMPMF
25,000 pts for returning to the original racers lounge after getting to GCMPMF
Picture Challenges:
Each month will also have 1 picture challege for the racers to attempt with the racer clearly shown in each picture. Each completed challenge is worth 1,000 pts and can be completed only once and only during it's month. (This means the photo challenge for February will not count for these points unless it is taken AND posted in February, March unless taken AND posted in March,....)
February - Freedom! - The TB (finally out of the starting cache) has a picture taken while outside
March - Getting Around - The TB with the log book of any cache
April - Allons-y - The TB on an airplane
May - Geowoodstock - The racer with a sign of Geowoodstock at Geowoodstock XII
June - Making Friends - The Racer in a picture with other TBs not in the race
July - Hard Points Pt I - Photograph of Racer with the log book of a 4+ star Difficulty Cache
August - Hard Points Pt II - Photograph of Racer with the log book of a 4+ star Terrain Cache
September - Play time - The Racer in a pile of fallen leaves
October - Getting Ready for the Boo - TB dressed up, getting ready for Halloween
November - Black Friday Fun - A picture of the TB in a crowd on Black Friday
December - Christmas Traditions - The TB with whatever christmas Tradition you celebrate (tree, manger, sushi, etc..)
January - New years Hangover - A picture of the TB Partying it up on New Years Eve (This challenge will be accepted if you post on Dec 31 through Jan 31)
World Traveller Bonus Points
If the racer enters any of the following zones, they recieve the points that go along with that zone, but they may only receive those points once per zone even if they leave and come back.

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